Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure generally has a negative connotation; however, the denotation of peer pressure is “influence from members of one’s peer group.” It does not state whether or not the effects are negative or positive; it can go both ways. One’s peer group varies depending on every individual’s situation. People can be positively affected by peer pressure from their family and different social groups: school friends, work or club friends, and close friends.

Family is the most important influence to molding a child’s values and teaching them the difference of right and wrong. During childhood is when most life lessons are learned. Parents start teaching their children what is right and what is wrong from the very beginning. This goes by simple acts of saying “no” when their baby throws things, or clapping when they pick it up. Parents are not the only ones responsible for child development; all family members are. Young children tend to imitate the actions of their elders; whether it is older siblings, cousins, or cool uncles.

As individuals get older, their family becomes a part of their lives as they meet and expand their social groups. They start to gain more independence as they start meeting people on their own. People start gaining relationships with people at school, at work, through different social groups. Eventually the people will find an intimate group of close friends.

People are put into school at an early age, and are influenced by the people they meat throughout adolescence and young adulthood. They will be mixing with people who were raised differently, with different beliefs, and different moral standards. This can cause some alert on the sake of the individual, but there are situations where the person can be positively influenced. If they find someone who generally has the same values and morals they can grow together against the negative waves of peer pressure. They can pressure one another; persuade one another, into sticking to what they believe in. Being with a similar group will help encourage people to stay on task and improve their lives to an extent.

At some point in a person’s life they will join groups, activities, and eventually might even start working; thus, introducing them to a whole new network of people to be influenced by. Group friends are not like school friends because they don’t have the same educational background; they have spent most of their lives being exposed to other experiences. Assuming that not everyone in the world is a bad person, people will meet good people. And they will inspire one another with their life experiences, and eventually teach one another how to grow. Finding a good group to stick with within groups and work is very beneficial. The group will pressure one another to strive for success, and that is a positive affect by peer pressure.

Throughout the years individuals will come across extra special people, close friends, who will have possibly the greatest influence on a person. Despite family members, school friends, and group friends, everyone will have those special close friends that are with them despite the situation. These people will most probably know the individual better than others because they get a well-rounded view of their lives. This then enables them to judge and act according to all aspects to one’s life. Close friends tend to want to do things together; this can both be negative or positive. In the event that they both want to better their lives, being strong and sticking together to achieve that better location in their lives is a lot easier with one another than it would be alone. Friends will pressure each other to succeed in all aspects of their lives; whether it is school, work, social activity, or practicing personal hobbies. Friends will inform one another of their honest opinions, and will not be afraid to let the other know when they are doing something wrong. They will then pressure one another to stop any bad behaviors.

Peer pressure isn’t all bad and negative, as people have grown to accommodate the idea. It can also be used to positively benefit people. This is done through many different groups of people. Family has a very important role, school friends, work and group friends, and especially close friends, all have the power to positively influence and pressure someone to better their lives. There will always be people who will try pulling others down, but in contrast there are also people that will help raise people up.

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